Bethpage, Tennessee
Yes we do! Check it out HERE.
Yes, and when you purchase a puppy from us, you’ll be provided the AKC paperwork to complete your registration.
When selling a puppy, we allow the purchaser to decide whether they want limited or full registration rights. Full rights do come at a premium, but either way, the pup will still be registered with AKC. Click HERE to read more.
Yes, as a standard we dock the tails of our pups at 2-5 days of age. But if you prefer a pup with a tail, let us know and we’ll try to accommodate you.
I get this question more than any other, why do people seem to lean more towards a male vs a female pup? The best idea that I have come up with is that males stereotypically seem to be the most dominate of the two, and folks want a strong protective dog. Owning several rotties of each gender, I tend to favor my females more simply because they are easier for me to physically handle, they tend to be more affectionate, and they don’t hike their leg up on my couch. Both males and females are great companions and protectors. Once you’ve decided to purchase a rottweiler, you’ve already made the right decision!
When choosing the best pup for you, consider your size and strength, your children/future children, and the amount of time and effort you’re willing to put into training your pup. Click HERE to watch a quick video comparison to help you become better educated about the differences in gender.
Juvenile laryngeal paralysis and polyneuropathy (JLPP) is an autosomal recessive, hereditary disease that affects Black Russian Terriers and Rottweilers beginning typically around 3 months of age. Click HERE to learn more.
Yes! The white spot in the Rottweilers dates back into the late 1890s to the early 1900s when Rottweilers were created by breeding the Bernese mountain dog and the Greater Swiss mountain dog with a mastiff. The white hairs on the chest come from deep-rooted genes. Click HERE to read more.
We do not provide transportation services, but we can provide recommendations.